Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee Game

Spelling Bee is a popular word game where you create words using 7 letters—six ordinary and one mandatory center letter. Each word must be at least 4 letters long and include the center letter; you can reuse letters as needed. Four-letter words score 1 point, while longer words score 1 point per letter, with an extra 7-point bonus for using all 7 letters in one word.

How to play Spelling Bee game?


Start making your first word

Seven letters are displayed before you. Your goal is to form as many words as possible using these letters—you don't need to use every one of them. Every word must include the center letter and be at least four letters long, with letters allowed to be repeated. You have 24 hours to submit your words, and each day, the game refreshes with new letters and words.

Game interface

Fill your word list

Every word you discover adds to your score. Four-letter words earn 1 point, while longer words earn 1 point per letter. Plus, if you form a pangram—using all seven letters—you get an extra 7 points! The objective is to gather as many points as you can. And remember, if you ever get stuck, you can always shuffle the letters.

Word list example

Find out your score

Track your progress and aim for the highest score. As you advance, new levels unlock, and reaching the "Genius" level means you've won! Daily Spelling Bee is a fun way to compete with friends and enjoy the challenge.

Score progress

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules of the Spelling Bee game?

The main objective of the game is to create words using the letters from the hive and try to get the maximum score.

Basic rules of the game:

  • Words must have at least four letters.
  • Words must include the center letter.
  • Letters can be used more than once.
  • Words with hyphens, proper nouns, vulgarities, and especially obscure words are not in the word list.

How points are distributed:

  • 4-letter words are worth 1 point each.
  • Longer words earn 1 point per letter.
  • Each puzzle includes at least one "pangram" which uses every letter from the hive. These are worth 7 extra points!

What are the best Spelling Bee practice tips?

  • Use the shuffle button. Shuffling the letters in the hive will help you see letter combinations and words that you might not see if they remain static.
  • Remember that you can use letters in the same word more than once.
  • Remember that you can use prefixes and suffixes as well as plurals for the same word.
  • Read a lot of good books and expand your vocabulary. By reading books, you will learn more new words, as well as remember their spelling better.

Why do i see the "Invalid Word" message?

This message means that the word was not found in our dictionary and no points are awarded for it. If you think the word is correct, please let us know.

How can i see the answers of today's game?

You can find out all the correct answers of today's game only the next day (the "Yesterday's" button in the upper right corner of the game interface).

At what time are the honeycomb letters updated?

The set of letters and words is updated every 24 hours at 12:00 am local time on your device.

Play Spelling Bee Online

Spelling Bee is a word puzzle game that challenges you to form words using a set of seven letters. Your goal is to create as many words as possible, earning extra points when you use all seven letters in a single word. With a daily puzzle to tackle and an option for unlimited random puzzles, Spelling Bee offers endless fun. Its clean, intuitive interface makes it easy to play, while its challenging vocabulary tests ensure you're always on your toes. Enjoy the addictive challenge!